Sarah's Story

At age 24 Sarah's weight peaked at 120kg. Although quite fit and active Sarah had always been slightly bigger than other girls growing up and as she got older it became harder to manage her weight. Sarah tried every diet and exercise program available. Finally she reached the stage where her size 22 clothing were becoming increasingly tight.
Despite being young Sarah suffered from several weight-related health issues including joint pain, high cholesterol, reflux and depression. As a nurse working in intensive care, it was difficult and uncomfortable looking after patients with the extra weight.
Sarah began to investigate gastric banding, (and a last unsuccessful attempt at diet and exercise) to decide to go ahead with the procedure. It appeared to be a quick, low risk operation, her only fear was… ‘what if this works?’ Sarah had grown up being overweight so the concept of being extremely successful and losing the extra weight was a little daunting.
Sarah attended an information evening to learn more about the procedure and ask some questions. She met with the physician, the dietitian, the psychologist and the surgeon all prior to surgery. Sarah found this process very comforting, feeling well looked after by the team and well prepared for the surgery and beyond.
Sarah believes as a ‘band’ patient, you need to feel safe and comfortable with the team as everyone is working together long term to ensure successful weight loss and later, successful weight management.
The surgery was uneventful and Sarah was home the next day. For the next six weeks Sarah was on a strict diet whilst her band settled and still manages her diet closely, but now she is in control of her food rather than her food in control of her.
Sarah is 73kg and has never looked back. She now participate more actively in life; choosing to be more social, playing team sports, no longer finding clothing shopping traumatic and enjoying a healthier life with her weight related health issues much improved.
Sarah's career diverged, when she accepted a role in a busy weight loss surgery practice. Working with patients undergoing gastric band surgery, sharing her experience and being part of the team providing a solution to these patients gave her great satisfaction.
Sarah continues to see her surgeon and his team on a regular basis. Despite not needing any further adjustments to her band she believes she continues to benefit from the long term support and, she is told, it gives them great pleasure to monitor her continued success.